sábado, 29 de octubre de 2016

The End


Hazel didn't talk to Augustus in like a week, finally when Augustus call her they talk about seeing each other. They went to eat and there Augustus told Hazel if she wanted to go to Amsterdam. After that Hazel have a problem with her disease and the doctors told her that probably she couldn't go to Amsterdam, a few days later Hazel's mom told Hazel that they would go to Amsterdam with Augustus. So they went to Amsterdam when they arrives Hazel was very excited because she was going to meet Peter Van Houten. At the night they went to eat and Van Houten had pay for it. At the next day they went to visit him and they realize that he was not the person they think and they hate him. The girl who contact them take them to see some more of Amsterdam after the big apology she make, when they arrived to the hotel they stay al the night together. At the next day they went for a walk and then Augustus told Hazel "It like up like a Christmas tree" that means that he has cancer all over him Hazel start crying and they were very sad. That day the comeback, Hazel Grace went to Augustus house to spend time with him. One month after they return from Amsterdam Hazel went to visit Agustus and he was very bad he was very sick. Augutus call Hazel at 2 am Hazel freak out Augutus tell her to go see him that he was at the gas station. Hazel call 911 so they take him to the hospital a few days later he return home but he was very bad, he was not the same Augustus anymore. They went to like prefuneral that is how Augustus call it, 8 days after his prefuneral Augutus Waters died. Hazel was too sad, but then he went in to Augustus wall page and there were a lot of people that Hazel never heard about and there he realizes that Augustus was a very good person not only for her for a lot of other persons. Augustus funeral was 5 days later, Hazel know that Augustus wrote a letter so she wrote to Van Houten assistance to see if she could go to his house and see if the letter was there so she went there and she got the letter and send it to Hazel. It was very nice was the letter said it said a lot of good things about Hazel.


“Maybe okay will be our always.” “Okay,” I said.” (page 73)
I like this quote because it says that ok would their always I like it because it is cute and then they satarted using that as their quote. I think is very cursy that they had like their quote but a like it that they had their word "ok" as their always. 

“You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world … but you do have some say in who hurts you.” ( page 313)
I like this quote because I think that is cute that Augustus tell this to Hazel. I like it because maybe he knew that Hazel would die but he didn't care that hurts he just wanted to be with Hazel. I think Augustus was in love with Hazel Grace but he knew that probably wouldn't be forever.



I already finish the book and I love it, I like it because it makes me feel the same way I feel when I watch the movie. I cry but I also laugh and I feel the same way I feel when I watch the movie. I find a lot of different things the movie has from the book .I really enjoy reading this book and now I know that reading the book and then seeing the movie is kind of fun because you can see what they had the same and in what they are different. I would definitely recommend this book, and if you like love story’s this is one of the books you should read.

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

Agustus and Hazel


Hazel went to sleep very late that night because she started reading again "The imperial affliction" because she already finished the other book Augustus gave her. She texted Augustus and he told her he hadn't finish the book and that he would text her when he finished. She went to see a movie with her mom and when she went out she saw that Augustus text her, he told her to call her when she can so she did and Augustus told her that he like a lot the book but he didn't like the ending. While they were talking Hazel heard some screaming and Augustus told her to go to his home and she did. When she arrived she saw that Isaac was crying and Augustus told her that was because he broke up we his girlfriend, so Isaac told all the story and it was because she told Isaac that she thinks she can deal that Isaac would be blind. So then Augustus  and Hazel started talking about the book while Isaac was destroying Augustus trophies.


"Even though it was a geographic inconvenience, I really liked Holliday Park. When I was little kid, I would wade in the White River with my dad and there was always this great moment when he would throw me up in the air, just toss me away from him, and I would reach out my arms as I flew  and he would reach out his arms, and then we would both see that our arms were not going to touch and no one was going to catch me, and it would be kind of scare the shit out of both of us in the best possible was, and then I would legs flailingly hit the water and then come up for air uninjured and the current would bring me back to him as I said “again, Daddy, again”." (Page 54-55)

I liked this quote because it is telling a memory that Hazel has. I think that is nice and that it expressed very well what Hazel is trying to say, also because I can imagine all of what is happening in my head liked I can make a picture about that I liked a lot that. I also liked because I think is cute that in the book she is talking about something and then she started telling this memory because she remembered and liked that. I would feel just exactly how Hazel is feeling like nostalgic because she is remembering something that happened when she was little.

"Augustus looked over at me, cigarette still in his mouth, and half smiled." (Page 62)

This quote I related a to one of the quoted I put on my first blog post, because they are chatting and Augustus has the cigarette on his mouth I think is important because you can see the Augustus has always a cigarette on his mouth. I connection I can make is that in the movie Augustus never has cigarette on his mouth when he talking to Hazel.


I keep looking for the difference from the movie and I found a lot, one big difference I found is that it says that Hazel first wrote a text to Augustus and then Augustus wrote Hazel when she was going out of movies and what happens in the movie it says that Hazel was waiting for Augustus text and one day Augustus wrote her and then Hazel call Augustus. I relate a lot of things that are happening in the book to one of the quotes I put on my first blog about that if you put the killing thing in your mouth (cigarette) but you never give it the power to kill you. I like a lot this book I want to keep reading to see what happend next.

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

She Was Waiting


When she return from Augutus house, Hazel started reading the book Augustus gave her. She stay very late that night reading the book, the next morning Hazel's mom wake her up but Hazel didn't want mom saw the book and she was very happy because she saw Hazel with another book that wasn;t the depressing book she always read. That day Hazel went to classes and then she went to the mall to see one of her friends, she went to shop with her but Hazel didn't really liked shopping then she discovered that she really likes being alone. She was about to finish the book Augustus gave her and she was waiting him to text her. Hazel went to sleep very late that night. 


""You don't want to go to a movie with Kaitlyn or Matt or someone?" who were my friends". (Page 40)

I think this quote is important because here it shows how much Hazel mom love her and care about her. I think this because here Hazel's mom wants her to have friends and go out and have social life, but Hazel didn't really care about that. 

"The other thing about Kaitlyn, I guess, was that it could never again feel natural to talk to her. Any attempts to feign normal social interactions were just depressing because it was so glaringly obvious that everyone I spoke to for the rest of my life would feel awkward and self-conscious around me, except maybe kids like Jackie who just didn't know any better." (Page 47)

I think that in this quote Hazel is really expressing what she is feeling about the people reaction and how she thinks the other people think went they see her. I think she is feeling very bad and that is why she doesn't want to have friends because she thinks that everyone is going to be thinking about her disease and only kinds would talk to her normally. I think I would feel the same because she thinks she is different but I think I would feel the same because she has to have those things in her nose and a lot of things more than normal people don't have so I would feel like everyone is talking about me. 


I enjoy reading this book i want to see ig Augustus text her in the same way he did in the movie, and I want to see what else happens. 

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

The Boy with The Blue Eyes


Hazel Grace went to Augustus house to see movie. While they were going Hazel told Augustus her story about cancer, when they arrived to his house they went down stairs they started talking and Augustus told Hazel if she likes any book and she told him she likes "An Imperial Affliction" and Augustus told her that if she reads the book he likes that was "The Price of Dawn" he would read her boring book when they Augustus was giving Hazel the book they hold hands. Hazel really liked Augustus and they started seeing the movie when they finished Augustus went to live Hazel in her house, Augustus told Hazel that if they will see each other again and Hazel said that yes, Augustus told her that he would text her when he finished reading her book.  Hazel was really falling in love with Augustus. 


"The fact that Augustus made me feel special did not necessarily indicate that I was special. Maybe he brought home a different girl every night to show her movies and feel her up." (Page 27)

I think that on this quote Hazel started feeling bad. She started thinking that she was not special and like she don't have to fall in love with Augustus because maybe he don;t really liked her. I also think that she feels like she don't need to be with him because he don't know him and she also confuse.

"I liked Augustus Waters. I really, really, really liked him. I liked the way his story ended with someone else. I liked his voice. I liked that he took existentially fraught free throws. I liked that he was tenured professor in the Department of Slighty Crooked Smiles with a dual appointment in the Department of Having a Voice That Made My Skin Feel More Like Skin. And I liked that he held two names." (Page 31-32)

In this quote I loved how the author expressed how Hazel feel about Augustus. I think I feel the same as Hazel because I also liked when I boy had liked a very low voice and when they have 2 names. Here Hazel is literally saying that she is falling in love with Augustus and also that Augustus is very flirtatious.


I am really like to read this book because I am seeing a lot of things that I didn't see in the movie. Like I didn't saw the part when Hazel was a little bit confused about Agustus and that she don't have to feel special becuase the things Augustus is sayinf to her. Also that I never see that she wanted to kiss him when Augustus left her and her house, and that she feel that way about Augustus when she was with him. But there a lot of things like there are some quotes that they say in the book that the also say in the movie. I want to keep reading!!

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

The Beginning of a Big Journey


Hazel Grace had cancer and her mother was very worried so she decided to put Hazel in a support group. Hazel hated the idea of going to the support group. One day Hazel arrived and she met a boy named Augustus Waters, this boy was very funny and cute. Hazel really liked him, after making a lot of eye contact the support group ended and Agustus talked to Hazel. He invited Hazel to see a movie in his house. Augustus takes out a cigarette and Hazel was very mad and Augustus told her that if you don't give the power to kill you it don't you it's a metaphor. 


"The Support Group, of course, was depressing as hell." (Page 4)

I like this quote because I think the author expressed a lot how Hazel Grace is feeling. I like that the author use words that I use too such as "hell". I think I would say the same thing because I think the Support Group is depressing because they talked about they are dying and other things. 

"And I've never lit one. It's a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing." (Page20)

I like this quote because it explains very well the metaphor. I also find it interesting because I would never think about that metaphor. I think that the author expressed very well what he wants to say and he wants the reader to think.


I really enjoy this first chapter, I want to keep reading because I am finding what has in common with the movie and what had different. I enjoy because I can compare and also because I understand what I am reading.